Excellence For Life
Adult English Classes
for Conversation & Professional Communication
Globally Accredited American
Online School
Primary & Secondary levels K-12+
with Dual Enrollment University Diplomas
including EFL Professional Life Skills Classes
Christian Curriculum & STEM
Online and in-person classes & Flexible Class Times
Small Group Homeschool with
Personalized Help in Small Group Classes
for English Language Learners

6 to 8+ Hours per day. Small Groups starting at $1000 for 4 weeks, OR Private Instructor: $25-$50 per hour, (minimum 4 hours per week.) OR Private Instructor for 9 hours per day $3600 4 weeks. Students Connect with Local Professionals in their Preferred Field of Experience. AERONAUTICS, ENGINEERING, BUSINESS, or MEDICAL. General English Instruction included. Confident Public Speaking, Digital Projects for varying & specific professions. Social Media & Idioms.

ENGLISH For Your FUTURE: College/Adult: Application Essays to Research Papers-TOEFL/ IELTS/GRE Exam Prep Courses: Personal or Group Rates Apply (Includes Study Skills, Listening/Note Taking, Critical/Analytical Thinking, Essay Writing, Public Speaking Includes phone & text support. Private classes. Small Group availability based on enrollment. Registration and Program Planning-one-time per enrollment non-refundable $100.

EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURE! Package: (for the individual student or groups) Personalized themed classes for each group or regular English classes 3-4 hours/day Monday to Thursday. 5 more educational hours per day, than regular EDU-Vacation Program, with Language Tour Guide, Monday through Thursday 1pm to 6pm, 7 more educational hours on Friday and Saturday 10 am to 5pm. -Orlando Tour Calendars which can include: Aquariums, Art Museums, Nature Parks, Beaches, and more!

INTENSIVE ENGLISH PROGRAM:$200 80 HOURS/4 weeks Grammar, Discussion, Reading Comprehension, Written Communication. Daily/Weekly Projects. Beginner to High Advanced Levels-1 to 18 months-Includes 3 months of College or Business Preparation.20+ hours per week- 5 hrs/day. M-TH. Materials $25-$80 for 12 weeks. Placement Testing (required).

The BRIDGE to FLUENCY! ENGLISH VACATION! LIVE with an ENGLISH teacher & NEW FRIENDS to practice with! Luxury student rooms for 4 or 8 students for the best value & fun! Save thousands of dollars! Also, check out the ENGLISH ADVENTURE Package for more English practice hours & more exciting adventures! Brunch buffet available,& many fun low-cost or free activities! Prices vary by provisions; Limited prearranged transportation.

Small Groups. 8 or 16 hours /week (*Based on Enrollment) Early Schedule 8am-12pm. Business English- Confident Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing from the Text. Business Presentation Practice with Multimedia Projects appropriate for varying and specific professions. *High Intermediate proficiency in English or higher required. Materials $50 for 4-12 weeks.

Speak Life! Learn how to SPEAK LIFE and improve your life with faith-based topics like: Stressless, Family Fun, Work and Financial Success, the Single Adventure, Boundaries, Men’s Power Builders Women’s World Changers, and Young Leaders. Choose your course: $45 per week. 4 hours per week: 2 hours per day, Monday and Wednesday OR Tuesday and Thursday) Pre-pay each 4 week session.

Tutoring- K4 to 12 Group or Private Program in varying subjects: Academic, Languages, Fine Arts, or Future Leaders. Classes may be scheduled at the same time as parent's classes- Personal Program or Small Group. 4 hours per week, Available by enrollment. Includes phone & text support. Registration and Program Planning=one-time per enrollment non-refundable $100.

“BUSINESS LUNCH” is Business English Communication Practice for the BUSY business person, 1 hour per day- bring your lunch if you like! Small Group. 1 hour per day, Monday through Thursday, Flexible schedule. Materials $35 for 4-12 weeks.

SEMI-INTENSIVE ENGLISH PROGRAM: 8 Hours/week Flexible. Grammar, Discussion, Reading Comprehension, Written Communication. Daily/Weekly Projects. Beginner to High Advanced Levels- Total:36 months. Includes 3 months of College/ Business Prep. Free phone and text support. Prepay minimum of 4 weeks. Materials $25-80/12 weeks. Placement Testing (required).

4 hours per week Flexible. Mini-Intensive English Program: Grammar, Discussion, Reading Comprehension, Written Communication. Daily/Weekly Projects. Beginner to High Advanced Levels- Total:36 months. Includes 3 months of College/ Business Prep. Free phone and text support. Prepay minimum of 4 weeks. Materials $25-80/12 weeks. Placement Testing (required).

PRIVATE Courses: Grammar, Discussion, Reading Comprehension, Written Communication. Daily/Weekly Projects. Levels 1-10 Total Program: (Less than 18 months. Includes 3 months of College Prep or Business Prep. Free phone and text support until 5pm EST. Course Schedule and Fees: Monday -Saturday. 2 hour minimum per week. Materials $25-$80/ 8-12 Weeks. Registration, Placement Testing (required), and Program Planning Orientation $100 one time non-refundable fee.

Private Classes $100 per day 6 hours or Small Group* $900 4 weeks (*depending on Enrollment) Professional Business English Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing from the Text Social Media Networking Building your E-commerce Blogs and Informational Writing Written Correspondence for Marketing Professional Presentations for your specific profession Effective Online/Print Marketing, Logos & Taglines, etc, *Personal Computer Necessary for class Material fees vary. Starting at $35

The BRIDGE to SUCCESS...Gain the productivity, loyalty and respect that servant leadership brings-based on time tested principles. Materials created by an MSNBC Business Expert. Personal Professional Program or Small Group. Pre-pay minimum of 4 week session & Materials. One time non-refundable registration fee $100.

The BRIDGE to SUCCESS! Become more and more effective everyday. Enjoy less stress and more productivity. Leaders Seminar: Teaches the Servant Leadership and personal excellence model. 8 hour seminar, working lunch provided. $50 pre-paid non-refundable registration/deposit fee- will be added as part of payment for attending clients. Includes phone & text support. Materials fees will vary.